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Table 2 Linear regression analysis for changes in leg fatigue and dyspnea at the end of walking test

From: The effect of acupuncture on exercise capacity in patients with COPD is mediated by improvements of dyspnea and leg fatigue: a causal mediation analysis using data from a randomized controlled trial


Baseline, Mean (SD)

After 12 weeks, Mean (SD)

B (95% CI)a

Leg fatigue (Borg scale)


 Placebo (n = 32)

5.1 (1.9)

6.3 (2.2)


 Real (n = 30)

5.7 (3.3)

1.7 (1.6)

-4.8 (-5.8–-3.9)b

Dyspnea (Borg scale)


 Placebo (n = 32)

4.2 (2.7)

4.6 (2.8)


 Real (n = 30)

5.5 (2.8)

1.9 (1.5)

-3.6 (-4.3–-2.9)c

  1. SD, standard deviation; B, unstandardized regression coefficient; CI, confidence interval; Placebo, placebo group; Real, real acupuncture group
  2. aB (95% CI) indicates the estimated intervention effect of acupuncture against the placebo on changes in leg fatigue (or dyspnea) and its 95% confidence intervals
  3. bAdjusted for the baseline values of leg fatigue
  4. cAdjusted for the baseline values of dyspnea