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Fig. 4 | BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies

Fig. 4

From: Integrated network pharmacology and cellular assay reveal the biological mechanisms of Limonium sinense (Girard) Kuntze against Breast cancer

Fig. 4

Enrichment analysis from L. sinense targets. A Scatter plot showing the Kyoko Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) pathways (Top20) enriched by the L. sinense potential targets. The sizes of circles represent the percentage of genes in the gene set, and the colours of circles represent the log10(\(\frac{1}{Pvalue}\)). Combined score is defined by the Enrichr. B ClueGO analysis of the Biological Process terms enriched by the L. sinense potential targets. The Biological Process terms were grouped by using the AutoAnnotate v.1.2 Cytoscape plugin, and networks showing the top 5 Biological Process clusters which involved in the regulation of metabolic process, ion transmembrane transporter, blood vessel development, leukocyte activation, and regulated vesicle exocytosis. Biological Process terms are represented as nodes, and the node size represents the term enrichment significance. Functionally grouped networks are linked to their biological function, where only the significant term (P ≤ 0.05) in the group is labelled

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