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Table 1 Inclusion and exclusion criteria

From: Acupuncture versus sham acupuncture and usual care for Antiandrogen-Induced hot fLashes in prostate cancer (AVAIL): study protocol for a randomized clinical trial

Inclusion criteria

1. Men aging from 18 to 75 years with histologically confirmed primary invasive carcinoma of the prostate

2. Receiving a stable dose of hormonal therapy for at least 4 weeks before the study with plans to continue for at least an additional 6 weeks after participation to the AVAIL study

3. With at least 14 or more times hot flashes per week during screening

4. Patients did not receive acupuncture before

5. Patients have an estimated survival time of at least 1 year

Exclusion criteria

1. The patient did not recover from side-effects of the surgery on the prostate

2. Patients with cognitive dysfunction who cannot cooperate with treatment and assessment

3. Use of drugs that may affect hot flashes symptoms: androgens, estrogens, progestational agents, gabapentin, pregabalin within the past 3 months. Antidepressants will be allowed if the patient had been on a stable dose for at least 1 month and did not plan to modify this treatment during the ensuing 14 weeks.