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Fig. 6 | BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies

Fig. 6

From: Therapeutic efficacy of sorafenib and plant-derived phytochemicals in human colorectal cancer cells

Fig. 6

Cell cycle of human CRC cell lines treated with Sora, Cur and a combination of both treatments. A The SW1116 human CRC cell line was UT, or treated with Sora (5 µM), Cur (200 µM), Cur (400 µM), and the simultaneous combinations of Sora and Cur (5 + 200 µM) or (5 + 400 µM) for 72 h. B The SW837 human CRC cell line was UT, or treated with Sora (5 µM), Cur (200 µM), Cur (400 µM), and the sequential treatments of Sora and Cur (5 + 200 µM) or (5 + 400 µM) for 72 h. At least three samples were analysed, and 20,000 events were scored for each sample. The vertical axis represents the relative number of events, and the horizontal axis represents the fluorescence intensity. The black and white curves are control and experimental groups, respectively. Sora, sorafenib; Cur, curcumin; UT, untreated; CRC, colorectal cancer

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