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Table 2 Demographic characteristics of participants interviewed (N = 15)

From: Experience of parents in delivering pediatric tuina to children with symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder during the COVID-19 pandemic: qualitative findings from focus group interviews


All participants (N = 15)

Session 1 (N = 6)

Session 2 (N = 5)

Session 3 (N = 4)


 Age, mean (SD)

38.20 (5.02)

36.33 (4.46)

39.8 (3.35)

38.75 (7.81)

Gender, no. (%)


1 (6.67)

0 (0.00)

1 (20.00)

0 (0.00)


14 (93.33)

6 (100.00)

4 (80.00)

4 (10.00)

Educational Background, no. (%)

 Secondary education

2 (13.33)

1 (16.67)

1 (20.00)

0 (0.00)

 Tertiary education

13 (86.67)

5 (83.33)

4 (80.00)

4 (100.00)


 Age, mean (SD)

6.33 (0.98)

5.67 (0.82)

7.00 (0.71)

6.25 (0.96)

Gender, no. (%)


14 (93.33)

6 (100.00)

4 (80.00)

4 (100.00)


1 (6.67)

0 (0.00)

1 (20.00)

0 (0.00)

  BMI, kg/m2, mean (SD)

18.98 (3.46)

19.91 (5.25)

17.69 (1.45)

19.61 (1.58)

  1. Abbreviation: SD standard deviation, BMI body mass index, CBT cognitive behavioural therapy, SIT sensory integration therapy, TCM traditional Chinese medicine