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Scheme 2 | BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies

Scheme 2

From: Effects of music therapy as an alternative treatment on depression in children and adolescents with ADHD by activating serotonin and improving stress coping ability

Scheme 2

Alternative to Depressive Stress-Application Procedures and Effects of Music Therapy (Dotted line?? Reference). Step 1: Resonance frequency breathing [45, 46] (8 min). While listening to music with a stable tempo (60–80 bpm), resonance frequency breathing is performed, inducing stability relaxation and emotion control. Step 2: Listening to music with the applications of auditory stimuli receptive music therapy (music listening) (12 min). Based on emotional stability effect aroused by internal projection of depression into the musical structure, elements of auditory stimuli (tempo, tonality, chord, contrast effect of emotions) [30, 31] are applied, inducing 5-HT activation and cortisol decrease. Step 3: Improvisation and positive self-expression activities based on music as an auditory stimulus [47] active music therapy (improvisation) (30 min). This step aims to induce decreases of SBP, DBP and HR by improving positive self-awareness and stress coping skills. After the three-step music therapy is applied, psychological effects can be induced based on neurophysiological effects. 5-HT, serotonin; SBP: systolic blood pressure; DBP: diastolic blood pressure; HR: heart rate

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