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Table 4 Grading of the histopathological changes in liver tissues

From: Protective effect of Sophora pachycarpa seed extract on carbon tetrachloride-induced toxicity in rats

Histopathological Changes






Centrilobular necrosis

0 ± 0

74.17 ± 9.97***

27.76 ± 4.28###

15.78 ± 6.54###

46.66 ± 9.49###

Ballooning degeneration

0 ± 0

79.16 ± 8.08***

47.23 ± 4.28###

5.55 ± 3.8###

15 ± 10.87###

Fatty change

0.83 ± 2.62

34.99 ± 11.64***

18.06 ± 6.27###

4.15 ± 3.5##

18.34 ± 6.98##

Inflammatory cell infiltration

2.49 ± 4

68.34 ± 6.58***

41.66 ± 7.46###

20.85 ± 4.54###

43.34 ± 6.98###

Focal necrosis

1.66 ± 3.49

67.5 ± 9.17***

29.15 ± 4.54###

11.1 ± 4.33###

45 ± 7.46###

Parenchymal architecture disruption

1.66 ± 3.49

68.33 ± 7.67***

38.88 ± 6.82###

19.45 ± 6.8###

36.66 ± 9.51###

  1. The data in the table represent the mean ± SD (n = 8). * P < 0.05, ** P < 0.01 and *** P < 0.001 compared to control group. # P < 0.05, ## P < 0.01 and ### P < 0.001 indicate the difference between CCl4 group and other groups except the control group