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Table 1 Definitions of conventional, complementary, alternative and integrative medicine adjusted to the Swedish context based on definitions presented by Bjerså [5]

From: Use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) among emergency department (ED) patients in Sweden

Alternative Medicine

Treatments given with the aim of curing or preventing disease, promoting or maintaining health and wellbeing, or as symptom management instead of conventional medicine.

Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM)

Generic term for all therapies and medical systems not included, or not perceived, as a standardised part of conventional medicine.

Complementary Medicine

Treatments given with the aim of curing or preventing disease, promoting or maintaining health and wellbeing, or for symptom management in parallel with conventional medicine.

Conventional Medicine

Treatment regulated by the current governmental, political healthcare system and given by registered healthcare professions in public hospitals, district healthcare centres, home nursing and nursing homes.

Integrative Medicine

Evidence-based treatments given in collaboration and with dialogue between conventional medicine and alternative and complementary medicine practitioners.