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Table 1 Comparison of organs weight post-induction and after-treatment

From: Repeatedly heated mix vegetable oils-induced atherosclerosis and effects of Murraya koenigii


Observation Time

Control (weight-g)

RHMVO (weight-g)

Mk LE-300 (weight-g)

Mk LE-500 (weight-g)

Lovastatin (weight-g)


Post induction (week16)

53.66 ± 1.35

86.25 ± 2.62

87.38 ± 1.88

85.26 ± 1.92

86.24 ± 2.22

After treatment (week26)

60.31 ± 4.33

104.95 ± 2.6 ##

83.76 ± 1.89

63.17 ± 2.56 **

75.51 ± 2.26*


Post induction (week16)

34.37 ± 1.47

56.89 ± 2.15

57.1 ± 2.25

55.75 ± 3.09

55.09 ± 3.46

After treatment (week26)

40.88 ± 3.42

74.96 ± 4.5 #

54.08 ± 2.26

42.48 ± 1.2**

51.27 ± 2.52


Post induction (week16)

18.08 ± 1.39

34.75 ± 0.9

34.92 ± 1.09

34.9 ± 1.14

34.95 ± 1.15

After treatment (week26)

18.54 ± 5.92

49.17 ± 4.84 #

32.83 ± 1.09

29.31 ± 1.14*

31.86 ± 1.12


Post induction (week16)

14.41 ± 0.9

27.74 ± 1.53

27.97 ± 1.63

27.77 ± 1.74

28.11 ± 1.94

After treatment (week26)

17.98 ± 2.43

37.16 ± 2.18 ##

25.99 ± 1.28

21.05 ± 1.38*

25.6 ± 0.55

  1. *Significantly reduced from post-induction weight (p < 0.05)
  2. **Significantly reduced from post-induction weight (p < 0.005)
  3. # significantly increased from the post-induction weight (p < 0.05)
  4. ## Significantly increased from post-induction weight (p < 0.005)