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Table 2 Participant demographic details

From: Feasibility and acceptability of a proposed trial of acupuncture as an adjunct to lifestyle interventions for weight loss in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: a qualitative study


Mean (SD) or number of participants(%)

Pregnancy intention

 Trying to conceive (TTC), no difficulty

2 (20%)

 Trying to conceive (TTC), difficulty

5 (50%)

 Not trying to conceive

3 (30%)

Age in years (SD), all participants

36.1 (7.24)

Age in years (SD), not TTC (n = 2)

43.5 (2.12)

Age in year (SD)s, TTC (n = 7)

34.0 (6.76)

Missing (n = 1)


Use of complementary therapies in previous 12 months


4 (40%)


5 (50%)


1 (10%)

Types of complementary therapy used (n = 4)

Vitamins (2)

Acupuncture (2)

Chinese herbs (1)

Vitamin D (1)

Fish oil (1)

Chiropractic (1)

Marital status


5 (50%)

 De factoa

2 (20%)


2 (20%)


1 (10%)


 Employed full time

9 (90%)


1 (10%)



5 (50%)


3 (30%)


1 (10%)


1 (10%)

Highest educational achievement

 High school - Year 10

1 (10%)

 TAFE or vocational college

2 (20%)

 Bachelor Degree

5 (50%)


1 (10%)


1 (10%)

Gross weekly income (annual income)

 $600–799 ($31,200 - 41,599)

1 (10%)

 $1000–1249 ($52,000 - 64,999)

3 (30%)

 $1500–1999 ($78,000 - 103,999)

5 (50%)


1 (10%)

BMI, all participants

36.38 (SD 7.8)

BMI, not TTC (n = 2)

31.90 (SD 6.45)

BMI, TTC (n = 7)

37.66 (SD 8.1)

  1. One woman did not return demographic data
  2. BMI Body Mass Index, SD Standard deviation, TAFE Technical And Further Education, TTC Trying To Conceive
  3. aalso known as common-law marriage or cohabitation