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Scheme 1 | BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies

Scheme 1

From: Effects of music therapy as an alternative treatment on depression in children and adolescents with ADHD by activating serotonin and improving stress coping ability

Scheme 1

A: ADHD music therapy group: Before application of music therapy, in a condition stabilization situation after 30 minutes of rest, 5-HT was analyzed by collecting blood twice for each session (1st) and 24th session before execution and immediately after music therapy (2nd). Cortisol was analyzed through saliva collection under the same conditions. Psychological measurements (CDI, DHQ) were performed 24 times after the end of the program before music therapy was applied. B: ADHD music therapy group: SBP and DBP were measured before and after music therapy application. HR measurement was performed by naturally sitting on a chair with knees folded after listening to music for 2 minutes. Measurements were performed twice before and after music therapy. The average value of measurement results was recorded as a numerical value and analyzed. C: ADHD control group: Measurements carried out using the same method as the music therapy group but without the application of music therapy. 5-HT, serotonin; SBP: systolic blood pressure; DBP: diastolic blood pressure; HR: heart rate; CDI: Children’s Depression Inventory; DHQ: Daily Hassles Questionnaire

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