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Fig. 7 | BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies

Fig. 7

From: Verification of the folkloric and anecdotal antidiabetic effects of Hypoxis hemerocallidea (Fisch., C.A. Mey. & Avé-Lall) and isolated, β-sitosterol using early-stage type II spontaneous diabetic mutant BKS-Leprdb mice

Fig. 7

Illustrates an average diameter (μm) of islet of Langerhans and endocrine cells size distribution obtained from all 8 weeks old spontaneous pre-diabetic mutant BKS-Leprdb mice. A Variation in size of islets Langerhans which is not limited to ~ 500 μm in diameter, (B). Variation in size of endocrine cells which is not limited to ~ 10 μm in diameter and (C). β-sitosterol treated group had an increase in total islet number compared to Epol diet, plant extract and chlorpropamide treated groups. Key: Group A: Epol diet and water; Group B: Epol diet, water and β-sitosterol; Group C: Epol diet, water and plant extract and Group D: Epol diet, water, and positive control

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