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Table 2 Illustrative examples of tweets with a positive, neutral, and negative sentiments

From: Tracking discussions of complementary, alternative, and integrative medicine in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic: a month-by-month sentiment analysis of Twitter data

Tweet text

Sentiment score

If yall put MORE Trust in Herbal Remedies instead of ALL this #BigPharma Prescription Shit MAYBE you could see that the only ones who will PROFIT from this #COVID19 PLANdemic IS them and the Banks!


Even in these troubled times, do not underestimate the benefits of a simply daily #walk. Choose your location carefully but take every opportunity you can to enjoy some fresh air, sunlight and vitamin D. Learn more on Sarahs Style & Dcor #blog #COVID19


Everything you need to know about #COVID19 but your government is too afraid to tell you. Get some sunshine on your skin. Eat vitamin D rich foods, and/or supplement. Wear a mask if somewhere crowded.


It still surprises me that there is not more media and doctors on television telling us to strengthen our immune system, take vitamins, eat healthily, get sunlight They only seem to be talking about vaccine and drugs that are in the distant future #COVID19 #coronavirusuk


A positive test doesn't mean a healthy person is going to be sick. Also it doesn't say for the sick persons if this virus is responsible for the illness. Fear creates diseases. Be cautious but not fearful. Boost your immune system get vitamin D3 or sunlight once a day #coronavirus


Disgusting NHS in go-slow on Hydroxychloroquine trials to "justify" the #Lockdown. Delays will probably needlessly kill 100's of patients. Only 2 hospitals No Zinc No Z-Pak or other antibiotic No mention of Vitamins C or D #COVID19 #Covid19
