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Table 1 Enhancing/potentiation activity of L. tridentata extracts on individual antibiotics. Part A. MBC of the L. tridentata extract and penicillin/ampicillin based on β-lactam concentration. Bacterial cultures of non-antibiotic resistant S. aureus cultures (ATCC 14775) were treated with increasing concentrations of the indicated antibiotic (penicillin or ampicillin) or L. tridentata extract. The MBC was determined at 24 h and recorded based on the β-lactam concentration determined by ELISA. *For the L. tridentata extract, the MBC range is based on potential 25–100% cross reactivity between different classes of β-lactams for the ELISA assay. The efficacy relative to the MBC of penicillin is shown. Part B. MBC of individual antibiotics alone or in the presence of ‘β-lactam removed’ L. tridentata extracts.. S. aureus cultures (ATCC 14775) were treated with increasing concentrations of the indicated individual antibiotic or the individual antibiotic plus ‘β-lactam removed’ L. tridentata extract (*). The MBC of each sample was determined at 24 h and any fold increase in activity was determined by comparing the MBC of the antibiotic alone to the antibiotic with the ‘β-lactam removed’ L. tridentata extract

From: Characterization of the antibacterial activity from ethanolic extracts of the botanical, Larrea tridentata