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Fig. 5 | BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies

Fig. 5

From: Vincetoxicum arnottianum modulates motility features and metastatic marker expression in pediatric rhabdomyosarcoma by stabilizing the actin cytoskeleton

Fig. 5

Metabolic profiling of VSM and cisplatin treated RH-30 cells. a P-value ranking according to the original FDR method of Benjamini and Hochberg (Q = 5%), b as well as the boxplot representations for 3 significantly different metabolites in RH-30 cells in course of 48 h VSM treatment (25 μg/ml) and cisplatin (CP) treatment (3.3 μM), relatively expressed to the median of the untreated controls (metabolite annotations are putative). The metabolic profiles of treated RH-30 cells show a similar responding in three metabolites to the VSM and cisplatin treatment. While uracil is 3.5 to 5-fold increased, N-acetyl serine and propanoyl phosphate are moderately decreased by 40–50% under cisplatin and VSM treatment

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