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Table 2 HPLC Analysis of Different Extracts of Euphorbia helioscopia for Total Phenolic and Flavonoid Contents

From: Efficacy of Euphorbia helioscopia in context to a possible connection between antioxidant and antidiabetic activities: a comparative study of different extracts

Compound Name

MthEh (mg/g)

EthEh (mg/g)

AqEh (mg/g)

Phenolic Contents

 Gallic Acid

608.62 ± 49.23 b

829.41 ± 52.31 a

297.21 ± 21.87 c

 HydroxyBenzoic Acid


29.98 ± 0.91 a

9.43 ± 0.43 b

 Chlorogenic acid

2368.06 ± 81.84 a

765.64 ± 21.02 c

1072.95 ± 41.25 b

 Caffic acid

42.69 ± 1.21 a

13.53 ± 0.82 b

13.53 ± 0.61 b

 Vanlic acid


17.40 ± 0.51


 P-cumaric acid

133.15 ± 7.05



 Ferulic acid

2.04 ± 0.27



Flavonoid Contents

 Catechin acid

814.87 ± 102.7 a

774.7 ± 62.31 b

386.33 ± 24.44 c


531.94 ± 31.39 a

226.94 ± 9.81 b

92.1 ± 7.91 c


2149.39 ± 119.28a

1774.60 ± 94.83 b

741.11 ± 37.21 c

  1. Results are expressed as Means±SD (standard deviation). Values that do not share a superscript letter (a to c) in the same row are significantly different (p ≤ 0.5)
  2. MthEh Methanolic extract of Euphorbia helioscopia, EthEh Ethanolic extract of Euphorbia helioscopia, AqEh Aqueous extract of Euphorbia helioscopia, N.D Not detected