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Table 4 Reason for HM use and non-disclosure

From: Disclosure of herbal medicine use to health care providers among pregnant women in Nepal: a cross-sectional study

Reason for HM use (n = 241)

n (%)*

 I believe it is safe

160 (66.4)

 Family tradition/culture

152 (63.1)

 I believe it is effective

116 (48.1)

 It is cheap and accessible

25 (10.4)

Reason for non-disclose (n = 109)

n (%)

 Doctors did not ask

43 (39.8)

 It was not important

32 (29.6)

 Should have informed but forgot

19 (17.6)

 Afraid of doctors’ response

12 (11.1)

 No ANC visit

2 (1.9)

  1. *Columns do not add up to 100% due to the selection of multiple answers