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Fig. 2 | BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies

Fig. 2

From: Cost-effectiveness analysis of combining traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of hypertension: compound Apocynum tablets combined with Nifedipine sustained-release tablets vs Nifedipine sustained-release tablets alone

Fig. 2

Tornado diagram from the one-way sensitivity analysis. (c_cn: Compound Apocynum+Nifedipine; c_P_MI: Cost of post-MI; c_MI: Cost of MI in hospital; c_stroke: Cost of stroke; c_n: Cost of Nifedipine; c_P_stroke: Cost of post-stroke; u_0: Alive without stroke/MI; u_PMI: Utility of post-MI; u_Pstroke: Utility of post-stroke; u_MI: Utility of MI;P021_cn: Transition probability from alive without stroke/MI to MI in the compound Apocynum+Nifedipine group; P020_cn: Transition probability from being alive without stroke/MI to stroke in the compound Apocynum+Nifedipine group; P224s: Transition probability from post-stroke to death; P124s: Transition probability from MI to death; u_stroke: Utility of stroke; P121s: Transition probability from MI to MI; P024s: Transition probability from stroke to death; P020s: Transition probability from stroke to stroke; P021_n: Transition probability from alive without stroke/MI to MI in Nifedipine; P020_n: Transition probability from alive without stroke/MI to stroke in Nifedipine; P324s: Transition probability from post-MI to death)

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