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Table 3 Probability of use of Health Practices Inventory approaches within latent classes of 1850 Minnesota National Guard Veterans who participated in a mailed survey conducted from October 2015 to September 2016.

From: Patterns of conventional and complementary non-pharmacological health practice use by US military veterans: a cross-sectional latent class analysis

  1. Health practices were listed in an order that maximized the visual clustering of modalities with similar use within classes
  2. *Bolding added to highlight proportions that distinguish classes; all proportions that represent an odds ratio greater than 5 compared to use among all responders were considered much higher use than in the total sample and were bolded; all proportions that represent an odd ratio less than 0.2 compared to use among all responders were considered much lower use than in the total sample and were bolded and italicized
  3. †Total use represents the proportion of use of modalities in the total sample. This is not a latent class