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Table 4 Effect of B. orthobotrys on body weight of rats in CFA induced arthritis (n = 5, Mean ± SEM)

From: Anti-arthritic activity of aqueous-methanolic extract and various fractions of Berberis orthobotrys Bien ex Aitch


Body weight gain (g)

Day 1

Day 5

Day 10

Day 15

Arthritic Control

(3 mL/kg)

262 ± 3.647

223 ± 3.906

218 ± 3.555

208 ± 4.534

Normal Control

269 ± 6.038ns

270 ± 5.544***

270 ± 5.955***

274 ± 6.112***

Standard Aspirin

(100 mg/kg)

243 ± 3.040**

246 ± 3.597***

243 ± 2.926***

245 ± 3.776***

Aqueous-methanolic extract (150 mg/kg)

265 ± 3.479ns

269 ± 4.176***

277 ± 4.179***

285 ± 4.320***

n-butanol fraction

(150 mg/kg)

259 ± 4.841ns

260 ± 5.109***

261 ± 4.831***

263 ± 4.802***

Ethyl acetate fraction

(150 mg/kg)

250 ± 2.922ns

251 ± 2.839***

252 ± 2.379***

253 ± 2.498***

Aqueous fraction

(150 mg/kg)

242 ± 2.205**

242 ± 2.227**

243 ± 2.577***

246 ± 2.782***

  1. The statistical analysis was carried out using two way ANOVA followed by Bonferroni posttest. *** = p < 0.001, ** = p < 0.01, ns = p > 0.05 compared to arthritic control