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Table 3 Preliminary antifungal activity of P. hydropiper extracts and crude saponins

From: Chemical profiling, antimicrobial and insecticidal evaluations of Polygonum hydropiper L

Fungal strains

Inhibition of fungal growth

Crude (Ph.Cr)

n-Hexane (Ph.Hex)

Ethyl acetate (Ph.EtAc)

Butanol (Ph.Bt)

Chloroform (Ph.Chf)

Aqueous (Ph.Aq)

Saponins (Ph.Sp)

Positive Control

Aspergillus fumigatus









Aspergillus flavus









Aspergillus niger









Fusarium oxysporum









  1. Antifungal action expressed as complete inhibition (+++), Medium inhibition (++), Mild inhibition (+) and no inhibition (-) of fungal growth. Positive Control: Amphotericin-B