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Table 1 A summary of the nine medicinal plants investigated for activity against Bacillus anthracis Sterne strain

From: The efficacy and safety of nine South African medicinal plants in controlling Bacillus anthracis Sterne vaccine strain

Plant name


Common name(s)

Parts used

Traditional uses

Voucher No.

Hypericum roeperianum


Large-leaved Curry Bush


Infections [42]

PRU 120126

Cremaspora triflora.


Synonym: Cremaspora coffeoides Hemsl. (1896).

Bark, roots

Tooth ache, rheumatism, swellings, intestinal parasites diuretic

PRU 120129

Heteromorpha arborescens


Parsley tree (Eng.); Wildepietersielie (Afr.)

Leaves, roots

Abdominal pains, intestinal worms, nervous and mental disorders, shortness of breath, coughs, dysentery, headaches, dysmenorrhoea, aphrodisiac, gall sickness and red water in livestock [18, 43]

PRU 120026

Pittosporum viridiflorum


Cheesewood (E), Kasuur (A), umVusamvu (Z)

leaves, bark

Increase lactation in cows, camels, goats and sheep, tonic, infectious diseases, inflammations and chewing stick (oral hygiene), oral fungal infections in HIV positive patients [18, 44]

PRU 120025

Bolusanthus speciosus


Tree wisteria (English); Vanwykshout (Afrikaans); Mogaba (Northern Sotho); Motsokophala (Tswana); Mukambana (Venda), umHolo (Zulu)


Abdominal cramps, vomiting, tuberculosis, venereal diseases, anti-termite [45]

PRU 120027

Calpurnia aurea


Common Calpurnia, Calpurnia, Wild Geelkeurboom, Geelkeur (Afr.)

leaves, roots, seeds

Malaria, wound healing, stomach ache, headaches, eye infections, rheumatism, diarrhoea, leishmaniasis, taeniasis, trachoma, allergic rashes caused by caterpillar, elephantiasis, swellings, fungal skin diseases, excessive menstrual flow, amoebiasis, syphilis, giardiasis, rabies, diabetes, abscess, hypertension, maggots in wounds, control of ticks, lice and mites in chickens, mastitis in cows, other gastrointestinal tract infections in livestock [38, 46]

PRU 120024

Maesa lanceolata


False assegai ( Eng. ); Valsassegaai (Afr.)

Leaves, roots, fruits

Malaria, dysentery, diarrhoea, dermatosis, hypertension, sore throat, hepatitis, cholera, taeniasis, rheumatic arthritis, pimples, flu, syphilis, gonorrhoea, stomach ache, appetizer [33, 47].

PRU 120125

Elaeodendron croceum


Saffron; saffron wood, forest saffron (Eng.); saffraan, bossafraan (Afr.)

Leaves, bark, roots

Cleaning of the digestive tract, chest congestion [34, 35].

PRU 120127

Morus mesozygia


Black mulberry or African mulberry

Leaves, bark, roots

Arthritis, debility, malnutrition, gastroenteritis, rheumatism, venereal diseases, wound infections, dermatitis, syphilis, malaria, fever, pain, depression, peptic ulcers [48]

PRU 120128