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Table 4 Effect of CAJ and APE supplementation for 21 days on serum lipid profile in experimental animals

From: Protective effects of Egyptian cloudy apple juice and apple peel extract on lipid peroxidation, antioxidant enzymes and inflammatory status in diabetic rat pancreas


TC (mg/dl)

TG (mg/dl)

HDL-C (mg/dl)

LDL-C (mg/dl)

VLDL (mg/dl)

Normal Control (NC)

97.77 ± 20.58**

87.76 ± 23.41**

47.86 ± 4.33**

54.89 ± 2.60**

16.15 ± 5.09**

Diabetic Control (DC)

219.79 ± 2.60*

134.91 ± 32.46*

33.91 ± 6.19*

167.61 ± 8.51*

24.89 ± 5.25*

Diabetic + CAJ (15 ml/kg)

87.93 ± 14.77**

75.41 ± 33.79**

49.01 ± 7.03**

43.27 ± 1.80**

12.48 ± 5.71**

Diabetic + APE (1g/kg)

108.68 ± 14.20**

69.40 ± 21.90**

46.95 ± 8.13**

66.03 ± 3.00**

14.49 ± 4.65**

  1. The data are expressed as mean ± S.D. of 8 rats in each group
  2. Average in the same column having different superscripts (*, **) indicate significant differences between the values (P <0.05)