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Table 2 Measurements Candida albicans hyphal sizes of clinical isolates obtained from the oral cavity of kidney transplant recipients after 3 h of incubation in liquid media at 37°C, 200 rpm

From: Effect of the crude extract of Eugenia uniflora in morphogenesis and secretion of hydrolytic enzymes in Candida albicans from the oral cavity of kidney transplant recipients

Hyphal size (μm)


Abscence of CE** vs. Presence of CE**

ATCC 90028

24.68 (24.68 ± 1.79) vs. 13.35 (13.35 ± 0.92)*


30 (30 ± 2.47) vs. 16 (16 ± 1.16)*

Strain 01

21.67 (21.67 ± 1.39) vs. 15.02 (15.02 ± 1. 28)*

Strain 05

22.84 (22.84 ± 1.68) vs. 18.17 (18.17 ± 2.12)

Strain 06

19.3 (19.3 ± 1.23) vs. 11.24 (11.24 ± 1.79)*

Strain 12

10.16 (10.3 ± 1.89) vs. 16.62 (16.62 ± 1.34)

Strain 23

16.81 (16.81 ± 2.12) vs. 11.08 (11.08 ± 0,76)

Strain 30

10.06 (10.06 ± 0.86) vs. 14.32 (14.32 ± 0.97)

Strain 37

23.21 (23.21 ± 1.83) vs. 18.55 (18.55 ± 1. 48)*

Strain 40

23.28 (23.28 ± 1.94) vs. 13.6 (13.6 ± 0.91)*

Strain 54

15.35 (15.35 ± 1.41) vs. 3 (3 ± 0.32)*

Strain 10Li

21.25 (21.25 ± 1.87) vs. 11.73 (11.73 ± 0.92)*

Strain 111R

36.15 (36.15 ± 2.56) vs. 25.06 (25.06 ± 1.34)*

  1. *P < 0.05, **CE: Crude Extract of Eugenia uniflora (2000 μg/mL).
  2. Cells were either pre-cultivated in NGY broth in the absence (control experiments) or presence of 2000 μg/ml (test experiments) of the CE of Eugenia uniflora for 24 h, 200 rpm, 30°C of incubation, previously to the filamentation induction experiments. One hundred cells of each strain were scored.