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Table 3 Included studies: details Examiner / Subject / Design / & Examiner blinding

From: Content validity of manual spinal palpatory exams - A systematic review

Author (year)

Examiner (number)

Study Subject

Study Design

Examiner Blinding

Harvey D (1991)

D.C. (n = 27)

Mechanical Model


Blinded to fixation level and each other's findings

Moruzzi S (1993)

D.C. (n = 50)

Mechanical Model


Blinded to fixation level and each other's findings

Jensen K (1993)

D.C. (n = 45)

Mechanical Model


Blinded to fixation level and each other's findings

Sandmark H (1995)

P.T. (n = 1)

75 randomly selected males with acute neck pain (<= 1 wk)


Blinded to clinical presentation

Kristiansson, P (1996)

Not described

200 pregnant women with back pain


Not described