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Table 2 The EC 50 values obtained for MTT, LDH and brine shrimp assays for AEFLL and Percentage inhibition of cell growth by camptothecin (5 mM, 20 μL)

From: Evaluation of antioxidant and antiproliferative activity of Flueggea leucopyrus Willd (katupila)

Cytotoxicity assay

EC50value (μg/mL)

% inhibition by camptothecin (5 mM, 20 μL)

MTT (n = 4)

506.80 ± 72.93

76.07 ± 1.72%

LDH (n = 4)

254.52 ± 42.92

50.51 ± 7.67%

Brine shrimp (n = 3)
