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Table 1 Overview of domains, categories and subcategories

From: Inflammatory bowel disease professionals’ attitudes to and experiences of complementary and alternative medicine





Creating trust and a good relationship with the patient

Strategies for the encounter with Patients

Searching for information on patients’ behalf

A positive attitude to CAM


Wishing for knowledge and understanding

Willingness to learn about CAM

Searching for relevant education

Raising the level of awareness about and concretizing patients’ CAM use


Trust in CAM

Acceptance of CAM

CAM as a complement to conventional treatment

Untapped resource

Right time for CAM

Confidence in manual therapies


Attitudes that constitute a barrier

Restrictive approach

Distanced view

No need of or interest in CAM

Personal definition of CAM

Reticence about CAM


Motives for CAM use

Concern about side-effects of conventional medication

Patients’ wish to avoid conventional medication

Disease course


Influences from the surrounding environment

CAM provides a holistic perspective


Perceiving patients’ quest for improvement and well-being

The patient is searching

The patient believes in the efficacy of CAM

The patient informs about her/his CAM use


Problematic aspects

Limited knowledge/education

Safety and efficacy


Differing CAM experiences

Personal experience of CAM

Influence of pati ents’ narratives about CAM

Experiences of friends/relatives

Professional experience of CAM