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Table 1 Effect of selected medicinal plants on apoptosis induced by STZ in RINm5F cells

From: Do plants mediate their anti-diabetic effects through anti-oxidant and anti-apoptotic actions? an in vitro assay of 3 Indian medicinal plants

Groups under study

% Cells in Pre G1 (M1)

% Cells in G0, G1 (M2)

% Cells in G2,M,S (M3)

Cell control

8.18 ± 1.41

52.46 ±6.99

26.419 ±2.56

Cells + Pe (2.5 μg/ml)

11.81 ±2.98

52.03 ±17.41

27.51 ± 9.19

Cells + Pe (5 μg/ml)

11.51 ±2.98

51.25 ±3.22

27.75 ±3.53

Cells + Pe (10 μg/ml)

16.03 ±4.52*

48.01 ±8.50

25.60 ±4.66

Cells + Pe (25 μg/ml)

17.39 ±1.82

49.05 ±5.53

25.97 ±1.96

Cells + Pe (50 μg/ml)

18.33 ±1.62*

45.79 ±3.17

28.47 ±1.99

Cells + Pe (100 μg/ml)

20.63 ±1.60***

44.01 ±2.35

26.29 ±1.58

Cells + STZ

25.48 ± 3.77***

39.13 ±6.69*

36.18 ±8.48

Cells + Pe (2.5 μg/ml) + STZ

19.25 ±3.45

41.25 ±6.69

31.02 ±8.75

Cells + Pe (5 μg/ml) + STZ

15.29 ±4.05$$$

37.86 ±6.77

34.75 ±8.34

Cells + Pe (10 μg/ml) + STZ

11.77 ±2.31$$$

45.28 ±5.61

29.13 ±7.98

Cells + Pe (25 μg/ml) + STZ

16.04 ±1.42$$$

38.65 ±3.43

35.40 ±2.99

Cells + Pe (50 μg/ml) + STZ

18.34 ±1.23$

36.89 ±4.33

29.86 ±5.26

Cells + Pe (100 μg/ml) + STZ

23.35 ±1.80

36.90 ±4.15

30.29 ±4.29

Cell control

9.58 ± 2.48

56.03 ± 2.65

25.51 ± 2.05

Cells + Cl (2.5 μg/ml)

11.05 ± 2.89

51.28 ± 3.32

26.82 ± 4.27

Cells + Cl (5 μg/ml)

10.36 ± 3.94

51.24 ± 2.88

28.41 ± 3.41

Cells + Cl (10 μg/ml)

10.94 ± 3.78

51.75 ± 5.09

28.81 ± 4.81

Cells + Cl (25 μg/ml)

12.98 ± 2.72

46.02 ± 7.77

30.61 ± 1.71

Cells + Cl (50 μg/ml)

14.7 ± 2.06

48.61 ± 4.63

31.94 ± 2.61

Cells + STZ

23.37 ± 4.51***

41.38 ± 7.44

32.21 ± 6.86

Cells + Cl (2.5 μg/ml) + STZ

17.14 ± 4.75$$

41.94 ± 5.02

31.21 ± 8.91

Cells + Cl (5 μg/ml) + STZ

15.77 ± 5.13$$$

40.82 ± 2.87

32.73 ± 7.59

Cells + Cl (10 μg/ml) + STZ

12.74 ± 3.07$$

44.60 ± 3.09

29.62 ± 7.73

Cells + Cl(25 μg/ml) + STZ

18.74 ± 2.44

42.42 ± 1.93

35.47 ± 1.38

Cells + Cl (50 μg/ml) + STZ

19.13 ± 3.99

40.18 ± 3.48

32.40 ± 1.67

Cell control

5.87 ± 1.70

53.22 ± 11.81

26.98 ± 7.17

Cells + Tc 2.5 μg/ml

7 ± 1.57

57.79 ± 13.81

23.90 ± 6.57

Cells + Tc 5 μg/ml

5.92 ± 1.91

59.32 ± 13.48

23.98 ± 7.96

Cells + Tc 10 μg/ml

7.12 ± 2.22

57.12 ± 12.35

24.58 ± 7.44

Cells + Tc 25 μg/ml

7.62 ± 2.17

57.13 ± 3.45

25.73 ± 6.11

Cells + Tc 50 μg/ml

7.07 ± 2.44

60.44 ± 3.89

20.03 ± 5.79

Cells + Tc 100 μg/ml

10.16 ± 5.27

56.95 ± 2.47

28.68 ± 0.69

Cells + STZ

24.69 ± 2.19***

40.01 ± 9.17*

26.28 ± 1.67

Cells + Tc 2.5 μg/ml + STZ

26.69 ± 1.34

51.35 ± 6.22

18.73 ± 8.09

Cells + Tc 5 μg/ml + STZ

25.86 ± 1.83

35.08 ± 10.81

34.82 ± 6.61

Cells + Tc 10 μg/ml + STZ

21.65 ± 3.34

43.86 ± 9.22

25.21 ± 8.91

Cells + Tc 25 μg/ml + STZ

16.77 ± 3.65$$

43.48 ± 2.13

31.36 ± 3.86

Cells + Tc 50 μg/ml + STZ

14.16 ± 1.69$

42.86 ± 6.94

28.54 ± 6.12

Cells + Tc 100 μg/ml + STZ

14.05 ± 1.80$$

48.64 ± 1.3

36.12 ± 1.78

Cell control

11.87 ± 3.70

53.22 ± 11.81

26.98 ± 7.17

Cells + Gb (1 μg/ml)

12.6 ± 2.39

49.79 ± 9.11

26.87 ± 6.33

Cells + STZ

28.5 ± 8.85***

40.24 ± 6.71*

28.42 ± 8.30

Cells + STZ + Gb (1 μg/ml)

19.91 ± 5.05$

47.3 ± 5.92

25.84 ± 3.12

  1. RINm5F cells were treated with different concentrations of plants extracts in presence and absence of STZ. Apoptosis was measured using cell cycle analysis from the DNA histograms generated on the Flow Cytometer followed by PI staining. All values are indicative of Mean ± SD. *p < 0.05;***p < 0.001 as compared to Untreated cells, $p < 0.05; $$p < 0.01; $$$p < 0.001 as compared to STZ treated cells. (ANOVA followed by post hoc test).