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Table 1 Plants used in the present work

From: Antimicrobial activity of selected South African medicinal plants

Botanical name


voucher specimen

Parts used, extraction yield

Traditional use

Acacia karroo HayneA (Mimosoideae)

T. Nielsen PRU 096395

Leaves, 25.1% Stem + Bark, 13.6%

Mouth ulcers, oral thrushE, diarrhea, dysenteries, colic, coldsG, other Acacia species: asthma, bronchitis, cough, phithisis, fever, leprosy, chest and respiratory ailmentsH.

Acokanthera oppositifolia (Lam.) CoddA (Apocynaceae)

T. Nielsen PRU 0963388

Leaves, 27.7% Stem, 12.6%

Hunting poisonF, snakebitesD, abnormal menstruation, snuff for headaches, septicaemia, toothacheE.

Bulbine latifolia (L.f.) Spreng var. latifolia A (Asphodelaceae)

T. Nielsen PRU 096391

Leaves, 0.5%

Wounds, burns, skin conditionsE, diarrhoea, dysenteries, abdominal ailmentsG, rheumatismH.

Curtisia dentata (Burm.f.) C.A.Sm.A (Cornaceae)

T. Nielsen PRU 096385

Leaves, 33.7% Stem, 15.1%

Stomach ailments, diarrhea, blood purifier, afrodisiacE, tanning, chewing sticksG.

Erythrophleum lasianthum CorbishleyA (Caesalpinioideae)

No voucher specimen available *

Leaves, 41.2% Stem, 31.2%

HeadachesD, feverH, Erythrophleum species: heart problem, dermatitis, wounds, rheumatism, syphilis, gonorrhea, leprosy, tuberculosis, bronchitis, angina, ordeal and hunting poisonF.

Knowltonia vesicatoria SimsB (Ranunculaceae)

T. Nielsen PRU 096390

Aerial parts, 31.4%

Tooth painE, rheumatism, lumbago, colds, influenzaG, skin tumorH.

Ptaeroxylon obliquum (Thunb.) Radlk.A (Ptaeroxylaceae)

T. Nielsen PRU 096389

Leaves, 23.1%, Stem, 16.1%, Bark, 13.7%

Snuff for headachesD, rheumatism, arthritisE, heart disease, anthrax, sinusitis, lupus, wartsG, sternutatoryH.

Salvia africana-lutea L.A (Lamiaceae)

T. Nielsen PRU 096396

Aerial parts, 29.2%

Colds, flu, bronchitis, abdominal and uterine troublesE, cough, chest troublesG, other Salvia species: night sweat tuberculosis, respiratory and pulmonary ailments, G,H .

Sansevieria hyacinthoides Hort. ex Steud.B (Dracaenaceae)

T. Nielsen PRU 0963387

Leaves, 11.9% Rhizome, 12.7%

Earache, stomachache, toothache, hemorrhoids, ulcers, diarrhea, intestinal parasitesE, Sansevieria species: chest diseases, cough remedyF.

Searsia burchellii (Sond. ex Engl.) MoffettC (Anarcardiaceae)

T. Nielsen PRU 096386

Leaves, 24.5% Stem, 9.4%

Chest coldsG, Rhus (Searsia) species: colds, cough, expectorant, febrifuge, pulmonary ailments, tuberculosisH.

Typha capensis Rohrb.B (Typhaceae)

T. Nielsen PRU 096394

Leaves, 17.0%

Fertility, potency, circulation, delivery, venereal diseases, dysentery, diarrhea, enteritis, blood purifierE, gonorrhea, pulmonary ailmentsH.

Zantedeschia aethiopica (L.) Spreng.A (Araceae)

T. Nielsen PRU 096392

Leaves + Stem, 15.2%

Wounds, sores, boilsE,G, insect bites, gout, rheumatismG,H.

  1. A: A checklist of South African plants [3]; B: The International Plants Names Index [7] C: Moffett [8]; D: Trees of Southern Africa [9]; E: People’s Plants [2], F: African Ethnobotany [10]; G: The Medicinal and Poisonous Plants of Southern and Eastern Africa [11]; H: CRC Ethnobotany Desk Reference [12].
  2. * No reproductive parts (flowers, fruits) could be collected from this plant; consequently no herbarium specimen is available.